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Read Statistics for Dummies® : 1001 Practice Problems in TXT, DOC, MOBI


"1001 Statistics Practice Problems For Dummies" offers practice problems that build on the skills presented in "Statistics For Dummies." As with excercises presented in "Statistics Workbook For Dummies," every practice problem includes answer explanations. However, in this series, every step of every solution is shown with explanations including detailed narratives to help readers solve each problem. With the book purchase, readers also get access to practice problems online. This content features 1,001 practice problems presented in multiple choice format; on-the-go access from smart phones, computers, and tablets; customizable practice sets for self-directed study; practice problems categorized as easy, medium, or hard; and a one-year subscription with book purchase, 1,001 practice opportunities to score higher in statistics 1,001 Statistics Practice Problems For Dummies takes you beyond the instruction and guidance offered in Statistics For Dummies to give you a more hands-on understanding of statistics. The practice problems offered range in difficulty, including detailed explanations and walk-throughs. In this series, every step of every solution is shown with explanations and detailed narratives to help you solve each problem. With the book purchase, you'll also get access to practice statistics problems online. This content features 1,001 practice problems presented in multiple choice format; on-the-go access from smart phones, computers, and tablets; customizable practice sets for self-directed study; practice problems categorized as easy, medium, or hard; and a one-year subscription with book purchase. * Offers on-the-go access to practice statistics problems * Gives you friendly, hands-on instruction * 1,001 statistics practice problems that range in difficulty 1,001 Statistics Practice Problems For Dummies provides ample practice opportunities for students who may have taken statistics in high school and want to review the most important concepts as they gear up for a faster-paced college class.

Read book Statistics for Dummies® : 1001 Practice Problems by Consumer Dummies Staff FB2, EPUB

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